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Proprietorship Registration

Register your proprietorship firm in a fast and cost effective way with GST Auditors.

Registration Details

Merchants and service providers generally own proprietorship category of firm.

The sole proprietor and his business is treated as same by the law and he is held personally liable for all business debts. Small businesses opt for this registration due to low cost and minimum compliances.

If you are a goods supplier you can register your business under Shop and Establishment Act.

If you are a service provider you can register through GSTIN.

Services Included

  • Session with boomiest Expert
  • PAN Application
  • Registration under GST for service providers or Shop & Establishment Act
  • For goods suppliers
  • Advisory support on other applicable government registrations
  • For Traders and merchants selling goods

  • Businesses manufacturing goods
  • Service providers providing services online or offline to clients
  • Process

  • Plan Purchase
  • GST Auditors session 7 Days
  • Upload documents on vault estimate
  • Receipt of Registration certificate
  • Documents to be submitted

  • PAN Card of the proprietor
  • Address proof of the proprietor
  • Sample signature
  • Personal monthly bank statements
  • No objection certificate from the owner
  • Ownership proof
  • Rent agreement
  • Passport size photos of proprietor